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Why Is Third-Party Lab Testing Important For CBD Products?


When you look for high-quality CBD products online, you will often come across the term third-party lab tested. Many experts recommend you not to buy CBD products that are not tested in a third-party lab. If you are wondering why is that, the answer is very simple; third-party lab testing determines whether the product is of good quality or not.

Most companies test their CBD products in independent labs because it will ensure transparency and increase the company’s reputation. In this article, we will take a look at why it is important to test CBD products in a third-party lab.

Importance Of Third-Party CBD Testing

Almost all reputed CBD companies in the world test their products in independent labs. Whenever you decide to buy a CBD product, it is very essential to check whether the CBD product is tested in a lab that is not affiliated with the company selling the product. The lab testing of the CBD product mainly looks at the exact components present in the product and also checks whether the product contains any impurities.

The CBD products must contain all the ingredients in their right quantities in order for them to meet certain consumer expectations. These ingredients include CBD, other cannabinoids, preservatives, etc. A third-party lab testing can ensure that all these ingredients present in the product are in the right quantities as mentioned on the packaging.


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Almost all the CBD products in the United States are made from industrial hemp. This is because marijuana-derived CBD products are illegal and contain a high amount of THC. According to federal law, the THC content in CBD products should be less than 0.3 %. If the THC content exceeds this legal limit in a CBD product, that product is not fit to be sold on the market. A third-party lab testing can ensure that the THC levels in the CBD products you are about to buy are within the federal limit.

One major reason why it is very important to buy CBD products that are tested in a third-party lab is that they check the presence of pesticides and heavy metals present in the CBD oil. For accelerating the growth of hemp plants and to prevent the damage caused by insects, many farmers use chemical pesticides that could end up in extracted CBD oil. These chemical pesticides are harmful to your body and lab testing from a third-party lab will check the levels of pesticides in the product.


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