Todd Chrisley’s eldest son, Kyle Chrisley, spoke exclusively to In Touch following his arrest this week for aggravated assault and resisting arrest.

Kyle, 33, detailed the events that led to him being taken into custody.

According to Kyle, he and his wife “called the police for help with a man at my home threatening my life, ramming into my wife’s car, who came back and tried to run me over. Said out loud that was his intention.”

Kyle added, “Literally said ‘Kyle I will kill you dead’, told me to jump in front of his car so he could run me over while revving up his engine and instead of arresting him, they arrest me.”

He continued, “As if he is a victim in this situation and I am the aggressor.”

Todd Chrisley's Son Kyle Speaks Out After Assault Arrest
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department

Kyle said that he believes the police sided with the other man potentially due to his famous last name. He said, “Maybe it’s because of my last name. I have heard Rutherford County likes to make a name for themselves and I think they saw this as an opportunity to do just that.”

“I also think it’s very easy for this man to fabricate a story knowing I’ve already had a similar alleged incident and especially when he knows he just came to my house, caused property damage and publicly displayed his intentions to run me over with his vehicle,” he said.

Kyle told In Touch, “The entire situation is insane to me.”

Kyle told us that the other man involved is a repair man with whom he had a financial dispute. He said the mechanic demanded more than they agreed to which led to an argument.

Ashley, Kyle’s wife, told In Touch she felt the police were not sympathetic to Kyle’s complaints despite speaking to various neighbors about what went down.

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As In Touch first reported, Kyle was arrested on Monday, September 9. He was released on $6,500 bond.

His next court hearing is scheduled for December.

Kyle has faced legal issues in the past including a March 2023 arrest for felony aggravated assault after an argument with his boss. He was accused of making a threat to his boss at work. The boss claimed Kyle pulled out a knife and brandished it. In April, prosecutors dropped the charges before trial. The alleged victim told In Touch he was furious with the decision.

Todd Chrisley's Son Kyle Speaks Out After Arrest
Kevin Mazur/ACMA2017/Getty Images for ACM

He said, “The police department never followed up with me, never called me, never asked me any questions. The court never reached out to me, never called me, never asked me any questions. I was the one that always had to go court to ask what was happening. I was never given any information.”

Kyle disputed his former boss’s claims.

He told In Touch, “While it is true that the charges were dismissed because Deven didn’t show, I do know the court tried multiple times to subpoena him.

Todd, 55, is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence after being convicted of bank fraud and various other charges.