The claws are coming out and unlikely alliances are forming on season 40 of The Challenge. The Wednesday, September 4, episode featured exes from two different eras working together to target other players instead of each other.

Which Era Won the Daily Challenge in Season 40 Episode 4?

This week’s daily challenge was an all-time favorite for host T.J. Lavin – trivia! This season, the players were suspended above the water and had to answer questions about The Challenge. The more difficult the question, the more points received, with each question being worth between 100 and 400 points. For every wrong answer, two players from the person answering the question’s era would be dropped into the water.

Averey Tressler and Darrell Taylor won last week’s elimination rounds, so they got to choose who the targets from each era would be this week. Averey, 33, chose Derrick Kosinski (era 1), Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio (era 2), Jordan Wiseley (era 3) and Horacio Gutiérrez (era 4) as the male targets, while Darrell, 44, picked Aneesa Ferreira (era 1), Laurel Stucky (era 2), Nia Moore (era 3) and Jenny West (era 4) as the female targets.

Era 4 lost the trivia challenge, so Horacio, 28, and Jenny, 37, were automatically put into elimination. Meanwhile, CT Tamburello was injured after falling hard into the water, but he later returned to the house and confirmed he was OK.

The competition came down to a showdown between era 2 and era 3 and ended in a tie, which meant there was a sudden death tiebreaker. Jordan, 33, and Laurel, 39, represented era 3 and era 2, respectively, in the solo trivia competition.

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Laurel answered her question correctly but Jordan flubbed his answer. He was asked who Devin Walker’s rival was on Rivals 3 and did not guess Cheyenne Floyd’s name correctly. This was confusing to Cory Wharton, considering Jordan had spent time with him and Cheyenne – the mother of one of his children – off the show.

The Challenge’s Laurel Stucky and Darrell Taylor Fight

After Laurel helped lead era 2 to a win in the daily challenge, she called out Darrell for voting her to be the target. She also claimed that he only chose her as the era 2 target over Emily Schromm because Emily, 35, “gives him more massages.”

“[That’s] what I do for a living,” Emily explained. “So for her to call me out like that makes me realize that she thinks I’m a huge threat. Something is brewing and she wants me out.”

‘The Challenge’ Exes Laurel Stucky and Jordan Wiseley Are Working Together

Since era 2 won the daily challenge, their targets – Laurel and Bananas – were tasked with deciding who would go up against Horacio and Jenny.

Cory, 33, and Devin, 35, thought there was something fishy about Jordan not getting the answer to the sudden death trivia question correct. They concluded that he likely struck up a deal with Laurel, who he previously dated. In a confessional, Jordan didn’t deny this. “Cheyenne slipped my mind,” he said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Laurel told Horacio that she wanted strong men like him and Jordan in the final, adding fuel to the rumor that she never had any plans to send Jordan down into elimination because they were secretly working together.

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Era 2 had a team meeting to discuss what Laurel and Johnny would do. Bananas and the rest of Laurel’s team members weren’t exactly on the same page as her about wanting to protect Jordan. Various players pointed out that era 1 hasn’t been a threat this season, so it’d be smarter to try and weed out the stronger competitors from other teams rather than target era 1.

However, Bananas wasn’t willing to go to a stalemate with Laurel because it meant they would be the ones who had to go into elimination against Horacio and Jenny. Rather than fighting her on it, he agreed to throw era 1 (Derrick and Aneesa) into the elimination.

In the elimination challenge, the players had to roll a ball down a bamboo track and collect as many jacks as possible before it hit the ground. The first player to collect 40 jacks would win. It took extreme endurance. Jenny was the winner for the women and Derrick was the winner for the men, sending Aneesa and Horacio home.

Derrick and Jenny then got to choose the targets for next week. Derrick urged the players to step up and volunteer to be targets. Tina Barta and CT, 44, did just that for era 1. Emily stepped up for era 2 and Jenny picked Nehemiah Clark as the male target since he hadn’t been nominated yet. No male volunteered for era 3, so Jenny chose Devin, while Tori Deal offered to be the female nominee. For era 4, Olivia Kaiser stepped up, and Jenny picked Kyland Young for the men.