Another new season of Survivor is here! Season 47 premiered on Wednesday, September 18, and featured 18 new castaways hitting the beach for a shot at $1 million.

What Are the Tribes on Season 47 of ‘Survivor’?

Season 47 began with three tribes of six players each. The Gata tribe consisted of Andy, Anika, Jon, Rachel, Sam and Sierra. The Lavo tribe was Aysha, Genevieve, Kishan, Rome, Solomon and Teeny. Finally, the Tuku tribe was Caroline, Gabe, Kyle, Sue, Tiyana and Terran “TK”.

Who Won the 1st Challenge on ‘Survivor’ Season 47?

The players had to get to the first challenge right off the bat. The teams had to split into pairs of two. One pair at a time, they had to crawl under a muddy net and into the jungle to retrieve two puzzle pieces from one of three different obstacles. Once all six puzzle pieces were retrieved, two tribe members had to solve the puzzle.

The winning tribe got the meager camp supplies afforded to Survivor contestants: a pot, machete and flint. The losing two tribes had to try and earn their supplies another way later on.

Despite being the last team to reach the puzzle part of the challenge, Gata won. Tuku and Lavo each had to then blindly choose one person to take on the next task. Aysha volunteered to go for Lavo, while three different players wanted to go for Tuku. After a game of “rock or scissors,” TK was chosen to go for his tribe.

Back on the beach, Andy and Jon quickly bonded at Gata, and Andy later pulled Rachel aside to form an alliance. However, she was worried that he was “too eager” and not strategic. That night, Andy was struggling and had trouble sleeping, so he asked Rachel to come aside and talk to him, which worried her even more. By the next day, Andy was worried about his relationship with Rachel and feeling left out.

At Tuku, Gabe wanted to connect with an older person on the tribe and immediately sought out Sue. However, she also formed a close bond with Caroline. Meanwhile, at Lavo, Teeny wanted to make everyone feel like her No. 1 and she quickly developed a close relationship with Kishan. Genevieve had a bond with Rome, but also wanted to work with Teeny, who suggested they bring Aysha in to their alliance with Kishan when she returned from completing the task.

The 1st Task: Aysha vs. TK

For the first task, Aysha and TK had to each find three keys on separate paths. The fourth and final key would only go to one of them and the first to retrieve it would win supplies for their camp. It was a scavenger hunt, as finding each key unlocked a new clue to discover the next one.

Both players battled it out for the last key, but TK came out on top and earned the supplies for Tuku.

Back at Gata, Anika took the role of being the leader as the group tried to set up camp. The tribe was on a high after Sierra ignited their first fire too. Tuku was thrilled to see that TK had won them their supplies. However, his return made the girls wary because the three guys quickly formed a bromance once he arrived.

Who Found the 1st Beware Advantage on ‘Survivor’ 47?

Gabe found the beware advantage while he was in the woods with TK. He wasn’t ready to share the news with his new tribe member yet so he waited for a moment to himself and then read the clue: He had to uncover a box that had what he would need to uncover an immunity idol. Gabe would not get to vote at tribal council until he found the idol.

Unfortunately, TK came across Gabe when he was on his mission to find the idol. Although Gabe brought him in on the search, he wasn’t fully transparent with TK about finding the beware advantage before he went on the hunt. TK was on to him, though, and realized Gabe wasn’t being completely truthful.

Gabe pulled Sue in so she could distract TK while he went and looked for the idol. It helped and Gabe found the idol, which was only good for one tribal council. However, if he kept going and tried to complete another task, he’d get an idol for three tribals. Gabe decided to keep going, even though he would continue to not have his vote until he found the idol.

The following morning, Gabe found the next key. This time, he was able to either keep the idol for three tribals or complete another task to get an idol that would be valid until the final five. This time, he didn’t take the gamble and stuck with his idol for three tribals.

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Who Found the 2nd Beware Advantage on ‘Survivor’ 47?

When Aysha returned to Lavo’s camp, Teeny let her know that she was aware that she hosted a Survivor podcast and agreed not to let any of the other players know. The two women quickly became cautious about Rome because he began going off by himself and looking for an idol. It wasn’t long before Rome found the beware advantage. He gave up his search at the risk of being caught and decided to try again that night.

Rome found the box overnight and then got his clue to find the idol, which he went in search of the next day. Aysha came across him on his search and let the rest of the tribe know, making Rome an even bigger target.

Who Won the 1st Immunity Challenge on ‘Survivor’ Season 47?

The immunity challenge required the teams to swim out to a boat and begin paddling to three chests in the water. After grabbing all three chests and getting them on the sand, three players from each tribe had to solve a large logo puzzle.

survivor season 47 premiere recap

Lavo won the challenge in a landslide, giving them immunity and a large building kit to help with their camp. Before the second place tribe finished, medical needed to come in to examine Andy. The challenge continued, though, with Tuku coming in second place and earning immunity, along with a smaller building kit.

That left Gata in last place. Andy needed some space to cool down after overheating, but the game continued. Andy made it clear to his teammates that he knew he was “on the bottom,” but they assured him that wasn’t true. When Jeff asked Andy if he was conceding to being voted out, he insisted he was always planning on doing everything he could to stay — including throwing his No. 1 ally, Jon, under the bus

Who Was Voted Out 1st on ‘Survivor’ Season 47?

Back at Gata, Andy’s meltdown was the main topic of discussion. He opened up to his tribemates about his insecurities and admitted he was still only at “80 percent” OK.

Jon still wanted to play with Andy, though, and they decided they wanted to vote out Anika. They wanted to bring Sam in on the vote, but he wasn’t down for it and began fearing that Jon was playing too hard. Sam began pitching the idea of voting out Jon over Andy, who was a stronger physical player to help in challenges.

At tribal council, Anika received one vote, but Jon received all of the rest, making him the person sent home first.