From equines to arachnids, furs to feathers, scales to gills, and everything in between, America’s Favorite Pet: Animal Kingdom celebrates those who enrich our lives in what would otherwise be a sad and mundane human world. We have a winner of the wild side of the world’s largest online pet competition, America’s Favorite Pet.

You might already be familiar with this curious little goofball, as she has 8.1M TikTok followers. Gaitlyn (pronounced Gat-lin) is a 10-year-old cooky capuchin monkey who has lived happily in North Carolina with her human family since she was seven weeks old. Her name was inspired by the city Gatlinburg in Tennessee (which is also the state she was born in).

Americas Favorite Pet

This sweet, smart, lovable little lady lives on a farm with her human parents, Jessica and Paul, her human brother Christian, and his wife, Brittany. There are countless reasons people go bananas over this mischievous monkey.

For one, they love watching her frolic about and cuddle with her best buddy, Hunnie, the family’s yellow lab. Her fans also can’t get enough of this cheeky monkey’s trickery, every day antics and tomfoolery.

Gaitlyn loves the farm life because there is plenty to do; she has her own monkey-friendly indoor playroom, as well as a huge outdoor enclosure, which was purchased by her fans, where she can hang around when the weather is right. Gaitlyn spends her days with her family, engaged in their everyday activities. She is treated just as a human toddler would be treated and helps out with household duties like cooking and cleaning up. Gaitlyn loves snacking on veggies like green beans and corn, but her ultimate favorite special treat is whipped cream! Gaitlyn Rae brings so much joy and laughter to her family, who have a history of owning a primate. They know that it’s a lifetime commitment.

Gaitlyn Rae

“Everyone wants a monkey. But it takes a lot of ti me and patience to raise one. If you’re serious about it, research the breed and meet people who own one. This is not like owning any other pet. Some breeds can live to be in their 40s. They do not do well being rehomed, so think about their future and the lifestyle you want to live. Being a responsible primate owner will change how you live your life—day in and day out,” Jessica said. “We wouldn’t change it for the world.”

It’s time to go down the rabbit hole watching Gaitlyn monkey around on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook: @lifewithgaitlyn.

Giving Back

America’s Favorite Pet: Animal Kingdom is more than just a lighthearted competition for the world’s cutest critters, it’s also a chance to give back. A portion of the net proceeds from the Competition will benefit PAWS, a 501(c)3 dedicated to helping cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats. PAWS actively rehabilitates orphaned and injured wildlife, shelters and adopts homeless cats and dogs, and provides education and outreach within the community to promote compassionate action for animals. America’s Favorite Pet is proud to continue its support of PAWS and animals everywhere! Learn more about the organization by visiting

America’s Favorite Pet: Animal Kingdom — Runners Up



Unstoppable, handicapable, positive role model. This little Nugget is something else. Although she got a rough start in life (born deformed and spending 2.5 years in the shelter system), she’s the queen of the show. And she knows it. When her human, Bobby, rescued her to his Maryland sanctuary, Big Guy, Little’s World, they formed an unbreakable bond. “Her days pretty much involve pestering and harassing me,” Bobby laughed. ”She has been everywhere with me—restaurants, the beach… you name it.” With a myriad of personality traits, an arsenal of facial expressions, a side-eye that will make you wince, and a meerkat-like standing stature, Nugget is a showstopper, and everyone loves her unconditionally. She runs, jumps, climbs, and swims along with 90 of her brothers and sisters at the sanctuary.

Bobby wants to share that special-needs dogs can be just as adorable, fun, loving, and part of your family as a perfect, cookie-cutter pet from a breeder. “They all deserve a chance. Nugget is the poster child for overcoming and persevering,” he said. Find all the social links for Kringle at

Heartbreaker Bae

Heartbreaker Bae

Energetic, brilliant, affectionate, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed are the words that Heartbreaker BAE’s human, Tara, uses to describe the 7-year-old bay Arabian gelding, sired by SF Veraz, out of Toi Dancer GA. Typically referred to as Ace or Acer, this exquisite mover and lover has a unique and inspiring story. He was born and bred to be a showhorse, but a rare condition called ‘headshakers’— a sensory overload for the neurotransmitters in his face— halted that path. Now, Acer is living his best life with his human family and pasture mates. “I am forever thankful to God for blessing me with amazing horses to help me raise my children,” Tara said. “Heartbreaker BAE worked all summer tirelessly to become the Champion of the WeLoveArabianHorses. com ambassador program. We won the first-ever belt buckle together as a team, and the first belt buckle for me, as an equestrian! It’s been a life-long goal, and it finally happened with the blessing of Ace! He inspires and motivates me in ways I have never felt,” she added. “Horses can heal many things in humans, both big and small.”

Follow Tara on Instagram @TheFurgPhoto and @LegacyLaneEquestrian.



Survivor. Warrior. Courageous. Inspirational. Adorable—Meet Kringle, a 2-year-old Cocker Spaniel/ Chihuahua mix, who was rescued around Christmastime at six weeks old by Saving Huey Foundation, his human parent’s non-profit organization that specializes in the rescue and rehabilitation of abused animals. Kringle was in the hospital for a month and underwent several surgeries aft er he had been set on fi re and his ears had been cut off . But that didn’t stop this playful, innocent little spirit from living his best life on the family farm and becoming a savior himself. “Kringle has brought a joy to my life that I desperately needed. Kringle has a way of making me feel better, even on my hardest days.

Just recently, Kringle became my registered service animal,” said his human momma. Kringle’s adorable demeanor and silly habits (like walking upright on his back legs when he is excited) gained him many new fans in AFP’s Animal Kingdom Competition. His human mom would like to thank everyone who voted, not just for Kringle, but for every adorable pet that entered. “Every critter is deserving of the title.” Follow Kringle on Facebook:’sKrew and on Instagram: @kringleskrew.