DeMario Jackson’s accusers are demanding they be awarded a 7-figure default judgment against the former Bachelorette star, In Touch can exclusively reveal.

According to court documents obtained by In Touch, the two women, who sued using the pseudonyms Jane Doe no. 1 and Jane Doe no. 2, asked the court to award them each $500,000 for their pain and suffering.

In addition, they both asked for an additional $35,000 for medical expenses, loss of earnings and future medical expenses.

Jane Doe no. 1 and Jane Doe no. 2 filed their lawsuit in 2022. They accused DeMario, 37, of sexual assault, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. As part of their plea for a default against DeMario, the accusers filed declarations.

Jane Doe no. 1 said she met DeMario in 2018 on a dating app.

She said on their first date DeMario exposed his penis as they were sitting in his car.

Bachelorette Star DeMario Jackson's Accusers Demand $1 Million in Damages
Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

“I was shocked and felt trapped. In an attempt to set boundaries, I told [DeMario] that his behavior was unacceptable. [DeMario] apologized. Based on what I believed was the [DeMario’s] sincere apology, I agreed to continue seeing [DeMario] again.”

She said on February 16, 2018, DeMario met her while she was out. She said he showed up intoxicated and she took him to her place to “sleep it off.” Doe no. 1 said as she was falling asleep, she was “startled awake” by DeMario who “flung his body on top of mine and attempted to kiss me forcefully.”

In her declaration, Doe no. 1 said, “Summoning as much strength as I could muster, I forcefully pushed him off me. I stated with specific words and actions that I would not engage in sexual activity and did not consent to engage in sexual activity with [DeMario]. [DeMario] pinned me down on the bed.”

She added, “I could not move my arms or my head. I screamed ‘NO’ repeatedly to no avail. [DeMario] then forcefully sexually assaulted me by violently shoving his unprotected penis into my unlubricated vagina. As [DeMario] was violently thrusting himself into me, I began to cry. Once [DeMario] ejaculated, I demanded that he leave my home, to which he obliged.”

Jane Doe no. 2 said she met DeMario through Instagram in July 2022.

She said he invited her over to his home where he insisted, they drink some wine. She said she went over to his home and had a few drinks. She said she never became severely intoxicated. Doe no. 2 said DeMario started kissing her and she kissed him back.

She said she told him she was menstruating and did not want to have vaginal intercourse. Doe no. 2 said she agreed to have anal sex.

However, she said, “As we were having anal sex, [DeMario] forcefully sexually assaulted me by violently shoving his unprotected penis into my unlubricated vagina while my tampon remained inside me. He proceeded to vaginally rape me. My vaginal bleeding increased, and as soon as [DeMario] finished raping me, I left and drove to my friend’s home.”

Bachelorette Star DeMario Jackson's Accusers Demand $1 Million in Damages
Maury Phillips / Getty

She said, “I have sustained permanent and continuing injury to my nervous system and person, which has caused and continues to cause me mental, physical, nervous pain, suffering, fright, upset, grief, worry, and shock.” DeMario denied the accusations.

“Four years ago, I, DeMario Jackson, walked directly into the Los Angeles police station after being falsely accused of raping two white women without a lawyer present and the police let me freely leave,” he said. “Here is why: My arriving and departing Uber receipts proved when, where and the time I was with these women and the truth is my receipts proved I was completely out of the vicinity,” he added.

He said, “In addition to that, I provided screenshots of text message communication the day after they filed police reports. The authorities looked at all my evidence and let me, a six foot, four inches tall Black man leave that precinct without a doubt because I did no wrong. I am innocent, I did not hurt or harm those women.”

The civil case is ongoing. DeMario has yet to respond.